
Business areas

Our role in resolving the pandemic

Our company participated in tenders for the supply of disinfectants for state institutions, in some of which we managed to success.

Our main supplier of disinfection is the company JUTTA from Ústí nad Labem, whose tradition of gel production dates back to 1965. After the outbreak of the current crisis, they reoriented the production from massage gels to disinfectants.

At the same time, we delivered disinfection to hundreds of schools and kindergartens with a discounted price (more information at Under the Virstop brand, we also entered the market for the general public (more on

  • ČSSZ - Rámcová smlouva na nákup dezinfekčních prostředků (877 800,- bez DPH)
  • Ministerstvo obrany ČR - Kupní smlouva na dezinfekce (40 800,- bez DPH)
  • Správa státních hmotných rezerv - ICS a ochraňování dezinfekčních prostředků na bázi alkoholu (8 566 284 bez DPH)
  • Správa státních hmotných rezerv - ICS a ochraňování bezoplachových dezinfekčních prostředků (2 727 405 bez DPH)


Medical equipments

As in the case of disinfectants, we also won a tender for the supply of medical equipments such as gloves, respirators and face masks.

  • Úřad práce ČB - nákup 16 tisíc filtr. polomasek FFP2 (190 400 bez DPH)
  • FN Brno - rámcová smlouva na nákup 70 tisíc filtr. polomasek FFP2 (763 000 bez DPH)

Construction work and mediation of employees

For the third year in a row, we have been participating in smaller construction contracts as a subcontractor. For example, in 2018, we carried out finishing construction work in the V TOWER high-rise building in Prague in Pankrác. In 2021, we started cooperating with INSKY as a subcontractor on bridge structures.

Wellness and spa

We run a relax and massage studio Relax v Praze.


Originally, our company was established to provide financial and economic advice, but over time it has expanded into several industries. We will advise you on how to manage financial resources and represent you on the financial market. Your interests always come first for us. With our financial plan you will gain control over the budget and you will be prepared for possible risks.